Introduce Yourself

hi! I 'm Alex Cali .I have some artistic education.but for many years I could not day I wanted to create.but there was no time and resources.I also didn’t like paints.they embarrassed me.But when I found MyPaint, I realized the vast possibilities.I began to understand painting, tonality, fractal natural forms better.I started painting landscapes.experiment a lot with brushes.the possibilities are endless.I still have a lot of ideas and experiments.thanks to the developers for their genius

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I got ahead of myself on this forum. Hi, you can call me Tortoise! I dabble in just about everything and have been using MyPaint among other open source creative software for over a decade. MyPaint still remains my ultimate digital sketchbook, so now that I’ve learned more about programming I hope I can finally give something back to a project that was my sole painting tool for a few years when I was doing freelance.

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Hello. I have used mypaint off and on for years At first on Puppy Linux then on Windoze and lately on Linux Mint. I am a long way from competence with this program but I have been attracted to its minimalist format. I just want to sketch with it. Thanks for being here.

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